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insulatransfer offers flexible and convenient transfer services to the islands of Ischia, Capri and Procida, the Amalfi Coast, Sorrento Peninsula, Naples and Pozzuoli, in the region of Cilento, to Benevento, Avellino and Caserta.
insulatransfer is a service from Colucci Viaggi Ischia, who since 1979 have been involved in incoming tourism to the Gulf of Naples and predominantly to the island of Ischia, their base of operations.
The management has worked with success in the field of tourism for over 40 years and thanks to strong collaborative links with all the transport providers can provide excellent services which are ISO 9001-2000 certified.
Technical organisation: Colucci Viaggi, 80077 Ischia (Na)
Administrative authorisation: Regione Campania 11695 on 09.12.1994
Partita IVA IT 01845140639 Registro imprese n.2588/79 Codice attività 63301
Insurance policy RC n. 039902260 issued by Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A
" September 2010 Dear Sirs,we are now back home but wanted to thank... "
Colucci Viaggi S.r.l. • Condizioni generali di servizio e copyright.
P.IVA: IT 01845140639 - Iscrizione CCIAA nr. 2588/79 - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 Int. Vers.
Licenza ADV Decreto Regione Campania nr. 11694 del 09 dicembre 1994